February 5

We all need to be very proud of the Barn Owls!!!!

They were an absolute pleasure to take to the Coop!

The whole class told me the different ingredients and toppings we needed to but (and they even used their new powers of PERSUASION to convince me that they needed to buy some party snacks and drinks too!!!  I must be getting soft in my old age.)  We then assigned a different ingredient to each team; we had a chocolate team, an ice cream team, a snack team and even a sprinkle team!

The teams had the money they had made yesterday in their own envelope and that was the budget that they ad to stick to, some teams were very clever and pooled their funds to buy better toppings!

In the shop everyone used lovely manners and took care not to get in the way of the general public(too much).  I saw children working out totals and discussing how much they had left.  Others were discussing if they had enough money for something or which combination of products was the best value!!!  That is what we call real life maths in our class.

Finally we all made our purchases (and charmed the staff when we were slightly over budget) and lined up outside.  That’s when the lovely ladies at the Coop gave us a surprise, 2 tubs of sweets to add to our decorating to say thankyou for being so well behaved and independent!

Well done Barn Owls, you have made me very proud.


February 5

This is a sneaky peek of what our times tables tests look like

Mr Swallow asks the questions in lots of different ways, rather than just “two times four.”
Here are some examples from the 2x table:
What is 2 lots of 5?
Double 7
How many 2s are there in 20?
What is 2 squared?
What is 2 cubed?
What is the square root of 4?
What is the product of 2 and 7?
Fill in the missing number 2x ? = 16

It’s tricky stuff but it to get the children used to the maths vocabulary they will need to know. So far we have learned our 2,3,4,5,9,10 and 11 times tables. Keep working on them over the holiday and we are moving onto 6s and 7s in the new half term!!!!


February 5

We sold our sweets!!!

It was a hectic morning, we had to haggle hard to make a profit! We had some very clever little Alan Sugars and Karen Brady’s. For example, Owen worked out he’d been charged for an ingredient he didn’t get (by me!!!😳) and managed to recalculate his profit margin AND the cost per sweet all on his own! Although we also had Robin and Ruby eating their own profit 😀 and Jamie deliberately over pricing the gigantic mega bun he made so it wouldn’t sell and he could eat it himself!!!! 😄

The Sooty Owls and Tawny Owls were shrewd customers but we managed to make almost 17 pound profit! We are going to use that profit to visit the Co-op to buy supplies for pancake making for the whole of Year 3/4!

Well done everyone, what a great success you made of your businesses!

February 3

Today we made our enchanted sweets

With a little help from the parents at our open morning!!!  (They must have smelled the chocolate )