November 3

The Barn Owls have been finding out about how to be part of a community…

So why does the Grinch hate Christmas so much?  What made him that way?

We watched some clips from the film version which showed him having some very unpleasant times at Christmas.  He is treated unkindly by the community he lives in and becomes isolated and bitter.

We used our imagination to create an original scene which showed an example of the other Whos leaving him out at Christmas and then acted it out.  Can you spot what the other children in the scenes are doing wrong and why this would hurt or ‘Grinch?’

November 3

Today we are at SPX to help solve a crime!

St Pius secondary school invited Year 4 to come and help them solve a robbery at school. To do this we have had to learn some fancy new skills:

We learned how to identify the ink from the pen used to write one of the clues…this was called Chromotography.

We had to take our fingerprints to learn how to identify the robber…

We learned to identify different chemicals using the Bunsen burners (this was exciting!!!)

Finally we learned how to take a cast of the robber’s shoe print in plaster.

After lunch it was time to put all of the evidence together and see if we could identify the thief! It was Mr Hunter the science teacher…and he would have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for us pesky kids.

October 9

We had great fun testing our kites

Trust there to be no wind on our test day! Never mind, the Barn Owls ran fast enough to get their kite into the air.
We assessed our kite to see if it flew, if it was well made enough to hold together and if we had picked strong enough/light enough materials to do the job.
